Smith-Bryant Post 572
P.O. Box 704
San Angelo, TX 76902
19 March 2024
Dear Manager,
American Legion Smith-Bryant Post 572 of San Angelo, TX, a 501(c)19 Veterans Organization (Tax ID #75-6051205) is conducting the Fourth 4th Annual Memorial Open golf Tournament on 18 May 2024. The tournament will be conducted at Quicksand Golf Course. We are anticipating over 72 golfers to participate in the event. The proceeds from the tournament will be used to support various Legion programs among which are Assitance to Veterans in need, Boys State, the annual Oratorical Contest and scholarship, School Awards for local High Schools as well as academic and perfromance awards for AF JROTC at Lake View High School and the AF ROTC at Angelo State University.
We are seeking your help to make this community support venture as successful as possible with some type of donation. Suggestions would be:
- Hole Sponsorship:
For $100 you could sponsor a Tee Box where you could place any kind of advertising for your business.
The only restriction is it must not impede the golfers as they tee off.
- Must provide own banner(*1)
- 1 18" x 24" in memory of sign
- Cash donation to the Post.
- A donation of an auction or raffle item.
- A donation of items for the "goodie bags" that are given to each participant.
(*1) If sponsor does not have a banner, we can create a 2 sided, 18" x 24" sign with sponsor information
Corporate sponsorships are available at the following amounts.
Sponsorship level details are listed below and on the attached page.
- Platinum Level: $1000 and up
- 4-Person Team
- 3'x6' Sponsor Banner posted on hole
- 3 18" x 24" in memory of signs
- Gold Sponsorship $800
- 4 person team
- 2"x4" Sponsor Banner posted on hole
- 2 18" x 24" in Memory of signs
- Silver Sponsorship $600
- 4 Person Team
- 2"x4" Sponsor Banner posted on hole
- 1 18" x 24" in memory of sign
All sponsors, regardless of level, will be acknowledged on our tornament banner
For further information, our Tournament Chairperson is
Ms. Kristie Young, who can be reached at(325)-812-2317
or via Email at commander@txlegion572.org,
or the Post Adjutant,
Mr Carl Frentz at (325)-450-1793
or via Email amlegpost572@gmail.com
20240518GolfTournament.pdf (Flyer)