Dear Texas Legion;
Your American Legion Texas Boys State (TXBS) Executive Committee sends its warmest regards to the entire Legion Family, as we all bid a glad farewell to crazy 2020. We hope everyone is well.
I.) Regarding your Texas Boys State, in no particular order:
1. Your Primary Mission. You do all the really important work at the Posts, and we are grateful. You ensure selection of the very best young talent to have the honor of attending your renowned Texas Boys State program. That is the key! If you continue pick the very best-of-the-best youngsters, we can easily accomplish our mission in program execution. THANK YOU.
2. The Main Place for Info. The TXBS website is the always best place for the latest and all info. Please always start there for any needs and point others to it as well. www.texasboysstate.com
3. Sizzle. Attached are the 2021 updated Brochure (attachment 1) and 2021 Fact Sheet (attachment II). Please take a gander and share far-and-wide.
4. In-Person or Virtual. With the kind permission of the DEC, we are dual-planning for either in-person at the University of Texas at Austin or virtual. Our general default is to conduct the program in-person at UT, but we simply may be unable to with factors outside our control. We are carefully monitoring all evolutions as you can imagine.
- a. A decision will be made and published by 15 March 2021 on which way we will proceed.
- b. We hope, however, that you will proceed now with selecting the prime talent from your area because we will have an amazing 2021 program either way.
5. Program Info. This information is also in the attached so you can easily share, but as a reminder:
- a. Dates: 27 June (Sunday) to 2 July (Friday) 2021. This is a shift to later than normal because many Texas high schools are ending school later due to COVID.
- b.Tuition:
- i. Virtual: $100 per Statesmen
- ii. Onsite at UT: $295 per Statesmen
- c. We are very pleased, thus far, to be able to keep onsite tuition at $295 per Statesmen, despite continually rising costs.
6. Registration. The registration pipeline is open. Registrations must be complete by 1 May 2021. Thank you for leaning forward now.
7. Your Help. We only touched about 11% of Texas schools last year. We hope to expand that aperture this year with your kind assistance, to give more young men the opportunity to experience this very special journey. Thank you, in advance.
8. Sharing. As you know, your Texas was at the absolute cutting edge by executing one of the only Boys State programs in 2020 during the global pandemic. We are grateful our Department had the guts to proceed.
- a. In addition to briefing at the National Conference last year, we have been very glad to share our best practices/lessons learned regarding our 2020 virtual experience with a great many other Departments, including tonight on Zoom with the Boys State leadership team from Iowa.
- b. Most importantly, though, because our Texas wasn’t afraid, we were still able to touch 2020 cohort lives even though virtual:
"The memories I made, the people I met, and the priceless points of information that I learned made this week absolutely unforgettable and life changing."
- c. As we have for 80 years, we’ll do this thing in 2021—in-person or virtual!
9. Any Questions or Needs?
Your TXBS program has tangible impact on our Texas youth and makes them better, which is why you and our all-volunteer team pour thousands of hours into making it tick every year.
With your help, we actually build leaders, for real.
Thank you for your grit and hard work in helping ensure your Texas program remains one of the very best in our Nation.
Warmest Regards;
Casey Z. Thomas
Chairman, American Legion Texas Boys State
Download Boys State PDF's
2021 Boys State FactSheet
Boys State Brochure