Uvalde School shooting Support

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Uvalde School Shooting

2022-05-24 11:30-12:30

History & Responses

Robb Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

May 26, 2022 at 7:37 AM Jerome Iltis Commander 23rd District to Goerge McHorse Commander 21st District


I share the deep sorrow that I know you and the Legionnaires in Uvalde, in your District and Division, and in the entire Department feel at this sad moment in time. For those of us living in neighboring Medina County, this tragedy happenedway too close to home.

I hope you know that the close connection many of us have with friends and families in Uvalde is the reason why so many prayers are offered for comfort, consolation and healing during this most difficult time.

If there is anything the Legionnaires in the 23rd District can do for our fine neighbors in Uvalde, please let me know.
We are "For God and Country",
Commander, 23rd District
(210) 355-2963

May 29, 2022 George McHorse Jr Cmdr 21st District to JJ Saucedo Tomas Valle Commander Post-479

American Legion "Tomas valle" Post-479, Uvalde Tx
P.O. Box 936
Uvalde, TX 78801
Tomas Valle Post-479;

Thank you for the update. I had relayed a text to Jose to see what anyone in the area, especially the Legionnaires, needed. I will had Dennis place a notice on the 21st District Website and also forward to State Adjutant West to keep State officers in the loop. We will let people know, who want to help out, to send funds to the post unless you have set up a specific fund. Keep us in the loop. Take care and know Post 479 and the Uvalde community are covered in a blanket of prayers from throughout the state.

George McHorse Jr.-21st District Commander
830-329-3064   GMJ1201@stx.rr.com


We greatly appreciate your prayers for our community,and especially our legion members.
This means so much to us. I will share this with our members and our community.
My granddaughter was at the school and my son in law is a law enforcement officer / EMT and he was also there. They are both safe and at home, shaken up but safe, Thank God.
I truly wish the same was true for many families who lost loved ones. We had 3 of our legion members who lost loved ones during this tragedy.
We are offering our hall to those families for a meal and gathering after funeral services. At this time we have about. 5 funerals scheduled.
I will share our facebook link. We are accepting monetary donations to help those families, which will be presented with all the names of those who have donated.


Thank you

May 30, 2022 Tomas Valle Post-479 Uvalde"
Uvalde Funeral Services

Good evening,

I do not have the words to express how much your prayers and support means to our Post, Members, Auxiliary and our community.
I apologize we have not put out much information, we have been extremely busy.
I have put a small list of our Veteran Family Members/Auxiliary members affected by this tragedy.
The Bobby Gonzales reception will be held at our American Legion Post located at 583 W Main Street. We will be helping with anything the family needs.

God Bless
Thank you.