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American Legion Department of Texas
21st District

2022-05-25 Cmdr McHorse Memo to District

TXLEGION Membership &Post-Information-Reports

To all posts:

I will be trying to get in touch with either the commander or adjutant of each post (unless either one calls me) and checking on the status of your CPR, Post Certification and Post Data Form completion and turn-in. As hopefully seen on a previous email, this info is not being sent into Dept.
Per State Adjutant West, if you submitted your CPR online, you still need to print and send a copy to department to get credit!!!
Let's get the reports done and turned in so posts can have a chance at awards and such.
You can have 100% + membership, but if the reports are not turned in, you won't be considered due to all the proper paperwork not being submitted.

On another matter, I was very disappointed at the turnout from the 21st District posts at the 4th Division Conference this last weekend in Kerrville (Post 208). You are not just a number on a roster, you need to also get involved with the decision making at each level, if not, your voice is not heard and each level of the American Legion from the Post level all the way to National suffers from our 4 Pillars not being worked and highlighted. How do we expect each of our communities to get involved with our projects and programs unless they know we are here and ready to be an integral part of the community!!

Take pride in what we have and what has been accomplished over the last 100 + years.


Too many veterans are suffering because we don't speak up to help them and be there for them. Stay POSITIVE and FOCUSED and we CAN make the American Legion in each community more prominent!! VETS NEED TO HELP VETS, not just attend an occasional meeting!!

Let's push to make the 21st District the best and keep the enthusiaism going through the next few months and plan on going to Department of Texas Convention in Austin (info on the website).. Hope to see you there.!!!

George McHorse Jr
21st District Commander
+1 830-329-3064

If you receive this email and there are members in your post that may not have access to computer, please share so we can get the word out to as many veteran's and AL family members as we can. Thank you.